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Burn Survivor Shares His Story


“A couple days after Christmas, I was burning a pile of brush when some of the accelerant I was using ignited on the back of my hand.

Dr. Garcia and Charles Disalvo - Burn Survivor

I immediately went to the Lone Jack fire department and sought the advice of the emergency personal. The medic on duty recognized that I had a 3rd degree burn and highly recommended a trip to the Grossman Burn Center at Research Medical Center. I was told that the medic had a friend who received care by burn surgeon Dr. Garcia and that GBC was the absolute best place to go for burn care. On hearing this, I took the ambulance ride to Research Medical Center where I was evaluated by the Grossman burn team. Dr. Garcia, who was very reassuring and put my mind at ease, recommended admission and surgical intervention.”

“We have had a very positive experience here at the Grossman Burn Center. Dr. Garcia and her staff were very gracious about taking care of me and being right there with me during the entire process. All the staff have excellent bedside manners and treat you like you are one of their own family. I have since been discharged and am receiving outpatient rehab. We couldn’t be happier with the results!”

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